I tweet YOUR message and link to my feed that has 50,000+ followers.I've been on Twitter since 2007 and have grew my following organically from being a livestreamer / Youtuber.
What are users generally interested in? Anything worthy of sharing to their friends!
- Weird News
- Funny Jokes, Inspiring Quotes
- Trending topics
- Adorable Animals doing cute things
- The latest technology presented in a FUN tone (not an ad-like tone)
- Random Thoughts
Alternatively, I can retweet YOUR tweet to help your twitter gain more exposure.
Remember, these are REAL people who like interesting things and awesome stuff. They don't want ads showing up in their feeds.
See my gig extras below. If you're stuck, I can create a line of text that will make your promotion seem as though it's coming from my voice, and isn't just an ad.
Please contact me for my Instagram option. You need to send me your product so I can pose with it or photograph it myself in my own style. I have the right to deny any product I deem unsuited for my audience or my personal style.
No adult content, fake reviews or anything inappropriate.
Check out my other great gigs for all your promotional needs!
I'm shocked with the spectacular service I received from modelgirl5er. She came though with her gig and I'm blown away with her communication. I'm ready to order again and my first order just got started. Skip out on her, then it's your lost.
:reliable ...
:Sent the tweet.
:Gained views.
:Received viewers from tweet.
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